Baton Rouge woman shedding light on Infertility through her own struggles
BATON ROUGE - According to the Center of Disease Control, 1 in every 5 women under 49 are unable to get pregnant after one year of trying. A Baton Rouge woman, Adrienne Allen, is opening up about her journey to raise awareness about infertility during National Infertility month.
"I was walking through a season of infertility a few years ago and I was feeling so many different emotions," Allen said. "Anger, disappointment, discouragement, envy."
To cope with these emotions, Allen started journaling, which eventually motivated her to write a book detailing her struggles: "Barren to Mama."
In the book, she describes the treatments she went through to try and help her with her infertility.
"We did three rounds of IUI, which is Intro-Uterine Insemination. We also did some medicated cycles," Allen said.
Allen received treatment from Dr. Neil Chappell with Fertility Answers. Dr. Chappell is an infertility specialist who says to be proactive about building your family.
"There are medical conditions that we know can impact your ability to build a family," Dr. Chappell said. "Having those conversations before you're even thinking about your family, before you're actively trying, is appropriate."
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Another big component, Dr. Chappell said, is taking care of your body inside and out.
"Growing a healthy human also means being a healthy human. Being on your prenatal vitamins, getting regular exercise, getting good sleep, eating a well balanced diet," says Dr. Chappell.
As for Allen, despite the infertility treatments, she conceived her child Levi in between treatments when she least expected it.
"I honestly think that I wasn't expecting to be pregnant at that time," Allen said. "After I saw the two lines on the pregnancy test, I immediately ran to my husband and just started crying and started saying 'is this real, is this happening, am I even worthy for this blessing?' The Lord is faithful, and I just really felt like it was our time, it was our miracle and everything that I went through prepared me to be a stronger woman."