Home generator trouble solved after call to 2 On Your Side
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BATON ROUGE - One woman's generator trouble was solved within hours of calling 2 On Your Side. The distributor she purchased the unit from visited her home Wednesday and got the generator working.
While she's happy that her investment to protect her home during power outages is finally working, homeowner Rebecca Welsh says it took a long time to get there.
Welsh went shopping for a home generator over the summer after repeat power outages at her Baton Rouge home. Large trees in her area often interfere with electrical lines. The generator was installed at her home on Sept. 8, but it was never turned on.
"I want it to work, I want it to serve the purpose we bought it for," Welsh said. "It's never come on, they tell us their job's not finished."
Welsh says she's called the distributor over a dozen times. Each time, Welsh says the company sets a date to come out and finish the job but it hasn't been done.
"Please come out and fix my generator," Welsh said.
That's what they did on Wednesday afternoon. Welsh says her generator was tested and in the event of an outage, will power her home.